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Pregnant Waitress in Dire Straits Sees Christmas Miracle With $900 Tip (WATCH)

Pregnant Waitress in Dire Straits Sees Christmas Miracle With $900 Tip (WATCH)
Since Sarah Clark's fiancé isn't able to work due to a knee injury, and their baby is due next month, the couple was worried about making ends meet–until today.

After falling on hard times with a baby on the way and her fiancé out of work because of a knee injury, Sarah Clark was struggling to make ends meet.

That is, until one of her regular customers tipped the waitress $900 during one of her shifts at Pita Jungle in Phoenix, Arizona.

The server reportedly began crying with joy after she looked at the bill, as the money couldn't have come at better time. Once the baby is born next month, the gift will help finance the new family, as Sarah goes on maternity leave, giving up her regular tips.

(WATCH the video below)

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