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Police Deputy Leaps To The Rescue Of Homeless Mother and Children

Police Deputy Leaps To The Rescue Of Homeless Mother and Children
When police Deputy Brian Bussell saw a mother and her two sons seeking shelter in a police station lobby, he knew exactly what to do.

What would you have done if you had seen a mom and her two kids sitting in a police station without home or hope?

You could do what Deputy Brian Bussell did and pay for their hotel stay and clothes.

The family was dozing off in a row of police station chairs on a September morning when Brian, a 25-year-old veteran, walking into work at the Butler County Sheriff's Office.

"I know our visitation is at 9 AM, and I saw the lady and the two young children sitting in the chairs," Deputy Bussell said. "I assumed they were here to visit someone in our jail. When I walked back out a while later, the children were asleep, and the lady was still sitting there, so I inquired if she needed assistance."

The mother explained that they had been evicted from their home and were waiting on housing assistance.

After calling several shelters that were already filled to capacity, Brian jumped into action, booking a ten-day hotel stay in the Oxford, Ohio area using his own money. He also brought the family to pick out clothes at a local Walmart. When the little boys asked if they could get shoes, Brian told them they "absolutely could."

"He went to the Walmart when they were done and paid for everything." Sheriff Richard K. Jones said in a Facebook post. "This is a true act of kindness. He did not tell anyone at work what he had done but the lady took a picture with him and posted it on Facebook. That's actually how we found out. It was shared so many times that I got a phone call asking if I knew what a generous gesture my deputy did."

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