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Photographer Captures Jaw-Dropping Photos of Moon Over Canadian Ice-scape

Photographer Captures Jaw-Dropping Photos of Moon Over Canadian Ice-scape
British photographer Paul Goldstein captured exquisite pictures of a moonrise in Canada's frozen Nunavut province in minus35 degrees.

A British photographer has captured some exquisite pictures of a moonrise in Canada's frozen North.

Paul Goldstein took a morning trek in minus-35 degree temperatures last week in Canada's Nunavut province.

"This far north, the moon barely sets at this time of year. It is cold even for the Inuits."

"But a few souls brave the temperature to photograph bears, the aurora, and indeed the full moon in this case," said the Wimbledon-based nature guide.

"No such thing as cold, just poor equipment," quipped the intrepid shooter who shares his pics on Instagram.

"This far North, no matter how many layers you cocoon yourself with—six in this case—the cold still seeps in. But who cares with a morning like this."

The Moon over ice in Canada’s Nunavut province on March 23, 2024 – Paul Goldstein via SWNS

Indeed, he took just a ten minute walk from their camp situated on a frozen fjord when the breathtaking scene unfolded.

"It is humbling to think of the trappers and explorers back in the day who had none of our comforts.

"Even the moon looks cold!"

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