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Officer Adopts Abused Siblings After Investigating Their Case

Officer Adopts Abused Siblings After Investigating Their Case
Right when Jody Thompson laid eyes on the shivering 8-year-old boy, he knew he wanted to protect him for the rest of his days.

This police officer went above and beyond the call of duty when he answered a report on a child abuse case in 2015 – and thanks to him, it had a happy ending.

Jody Thompson of the Poteau Police Department in Oklahoma was off duty when he overheard the police dispatcher mention a case of child abuse.

That's when they found John Thompson, who was only eight years old at the time, tied up in a trash can filled with cold water. It was clear that he hadn't eaten and there were bruises on his body.

Thompson now says that the second he laid eyes on the youth, he knew he wanted to look after him for the rest of his life.

The officer covered the boy with a blanket and took him to a state detective agency where they could take photos of John's injuries as evidence against the abusive father. Thompson then took John to the emergency room and sat by his side the whole time.

While John was recovering in intensive care, Thompson became a certified foster parent so he could adopt the youngster and bring him home. In the very same week, the Thompson family found out that they were pregnant with their third biological child.

Seven months later, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services found out that John's mother, who was in jail, had given birth to a baby girl.

When the newborn was only 24 hours old, Thompson adopted her too.

Though Thompson says he never planned on having such a big family, he has never been happier – and apparently, neither has John.

"John is amazing. He's a straight-A student, on the honor roll, in the gifted and talented program, involved in the local drama club," Thompson told CBS News of his now 10-year-old son. "That kid's very resilient. He bounced back from this."

Earlier last week, Thompson was given a commendation by the police department in honor of his compassion towards the two siblings.

"Jody's actions as well has his families are second to none. The example of love and compassion he has shown to this young man and his sister is an example everyone should follow," Poteau Police Chief Stephen Fruen said in a statement. "It's men like you that make me proud of our law enforcement brothers and sisters. You are very deserving of this commendation. I am proud to serve with you."

Click To Share This Inspiring Story With Your Friends (Photo by Poteau Police Department)

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