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Obama Explores His Irish Roots on Visit to Ancestral Ireland

Obama Explores His Irish Roots on Visit to Ancestral Ireland
President Obama and the first lady are in Ireland today meeting with leaders and visiting famous sites. Perhaps most excited about the trip are the villagers of Moneygall, where Barack Obama's great-great-great-great grandfather hails from. The Guinness brewery even sent a master brewer to the town's pub to ensure that when the President stops by for the traditional pint of Guinness, he gets a properly poured one.

President Obama and the first lady are in Ireland today meeting with leaders and visiting famous sites. Perhaps most excited about the trip are the villagers of Moneygall, where Barack Obama's great-great-great grandfather hails from.

Falmouth Kearney, an Irish immigrant who left Moneygall in 1850, has — 160 years later — put the charming little town, population 300, on the map. Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was descended from one of the Kearney daughters.

The Guinness brewery even sent a master brewer to the town's pub to ensure that when the President stops by for the traditional pint of Guinness, he gets a properly poured one.

Experts say that Obama is just 3.1 percent Irish, but Irish Americans, according to Politico, have "become fixated with turning Obama into O'bama."

John F. Kennedy also took time during his visit to Ireland — the first by an American president — to visit his family's ancestral home.

Later Monday, the President and first lady travel to Dublin to take part in a public celebration at College Green. Mr. Obama will address the audience at the end of the entertainment which will involve many well known Irish artists

(WATCH the video below from the Telegraph)

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