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Good Samaritan Teens Stop Knife Attack as Others Watched

Good Samaritan Teens Stop Knife Attack as Others Watched
Two young men of color, Mustafa Said and Chris Patino, bravely intervened in a savage stabbing in a grocery store to save a teen girl's life, as others stood stunned and unable to help.

The family of a Syracuse-area teenage girl attacked inside Wegmans, issued a statement thanking Mustafa Said and Chris Patino, the two young men who bravely intervened to save her life.

Accolades are also flowing on Facebook along with calls for official recognition of the courageous boys. A donation of $100 reward arrived via telephone to the Sheriff's office.

"There were people watching and well I don't have that kind of heart to stand there and watch while a girl gets killed. He was sucking the life out of her and some guy was taking pictures and we were like, we can't just stand there. It's time to act."

Comments on the news website revealed at least one person who "learned a lesson" about stereotypes after seeing the heroes, who were young men of color, juxtaposed against the photo of the white attacker, which the viewer assumed at first glance would have been that of the victim.

(READ the story at WHEC.com)

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