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New Zealand Has Eradicated COVID-19 - 'Crushing' the Virus to End Social Distancing

New Zealand Has Eradicated COVID-19 - 'Crushing' the Virus to End Social Distancing
After eradicating domestic COVID-19, New Zealand has ended all social distancing and other lockdown measures, with businesses and athletes celebrating.

Things have gone so well in New Zealand concerning COVID-19 that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her cabinet have decided that almost all restrictions can now be removed.

After 40,000 people tested, 12 days with no one entering hospitals, 40 days since the last community transmission, and 22 days since that person finished their self-isolation, New Zealand is looking to restart its economy by lowering preventative measures to the lowest level.

Maintaining strict border controls to keep people from bringing the virus into the country, all restrictions on people and businesses within the country were lifted June 7. Officials only ask that citizens keep track of where they've been and who they have been in contact with for contact tracing purposes should another outbreak occur.

"We united in unprecedented ways to crush the virus," Ardern said at a press conference in Wellington. "Our goal was to move out the other side as quickly and as safely as we could. We now have a head-start on our economic recovery."

Furthermore, while some domestic sports leagues have resumed around the world, like the German Bundesliga-albeit without crowds, the rugby-obsessed Pacific nation will be the first country that has dealt with its burden of infection to welcome spectators back into professional sports stadiums.

With a small and often localized population, New Zealand was able to enforce even stricter lockdown measures than in other parts of the world-stalling the disease after 1,500 confirmed cases and 22 deaths. They've achieved eradication of the virus and are the first country to do so.

WATCH a celebration at one minute past midnight…

via Gfycat

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