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Millennials Between 25-34 May Be the Savviest With Their Cash, Says New UK Poll

Millennials Between 25-34 May Be the Savviest With Their Cash, Says New UK Poll
Younger millennials are the most likely Brits to be careful with their cash—and the most likely to take action to reduce monthly expenditures.

Younger millennials are the most likely to be careful with their cash—and the most likely to take action in their households to reduce monthly expenditures.

A poll of 2,000 UK adults found that those who were between 25-34 were almost twice as keen to make these changes as Gen Z adults, aged 18-24.

12 percent of those in the millennial group have worked from the office, even when they didn't have to, in order to save cash.

They are also most willing to try new ways to save money in 2023, with 78 percent compared to just 49 percent of adults younger than them.

Showering at the gym and batch-cooking meals to make the most of the oven and hot water heater being on are other ways 25-34-year-olds are cutting back, which is not surprising, due to the higher cost of gas.

It also emerged that, overall, saving money was the top New Year's resolution—a reversal of 2022's goals, when dealing with health and diet was the top focus.

Saving money by cutting energy used at home is now the third most-selected resolution, up from sixth place a year ago.

Victoria Bacon, for Smart Energy GB, which commissioned the survey to encourage people to upgrade their traditional meter to a smart meter, said, "It's not surprising to see young adults, and people across all age ranges, feeling the pinch money-wise."

The random double-opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll also found 35-44-year-olds are most likely to have started taking in a packed lunch to work, and purchased clothing from a thrift store.

Adults between the ages of 55-64 are most likely to grow their own produce and make sure their roofs are properly insulated.

Other common ways Brits have saved money include signing up for a loyalty card (26 percent), bleeding radiators to make them more efficient (24 percent) and taking shorter showers (24 percent).

Hayley Holdsworth, a full-time student and mom from West Yorkshire, uses cashback sites for everything purchased to maximize benefits, and is a true believer in generic supermarket-brand products.

"Don't knock them until you've tried them," advises the 27-year-old.

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