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Michael J. Fox Climbs North Dakota Mountain to Fund Parkinson's Research

Michael J. Fox Climbs North Dakota Mountain to Fund Parkinson's Research
Michael J. Fox joined hikers to raise $1 million for Parkinson's research on the way to the top of the White Butte.

Hikers climbing North Dakota's tallest mountain met an unexpected visitor on the trail Sunday.

Actor Michael J. Fox was headed to the top of the peak to help raise money and awareness for Parkinson's disease.

The appearance came as a surprise for hikers like Roxee Jones, who just happens to teach Parkinson's wellness classes at the YMCA in Grand Forks and has a father who lives with the disease.

"It was just an awesome experience - overwhelming that he showed up there," Jones told the Forum News Service.

Fox posted a photo to Twitter posing with his daughters at the summit of the 3,500 foot White Butte.

Out on the trail in North Dakota with @SamFoxMJFF and Aquinnah and Schuyler. #TourdeFox pic.twitter.com/SgPUq1V9Vx

The star initially tried to keep it under wraps that he would be joining the Foundation's Sam Fox-no relation-on the climb, but it's hard for the "Back to the Future" and "Family Ties" star to slip by unnoticed. After all, he has become the world's most recognized advocate for Parkinson's research since being diagnosed with the disease 25 years ago.

Sam Fox is currently in the middle of a nationwide "Tour de Fox" bike tour for the organization to raise $1 million for Parkinson's research through donations.

He is also climbing the tallest peak in each of lower 48-states and in the actor's home province of British Columbia, Canada.

(READ more at the Bismark Tribune)  Photo by Roxee Jones 

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