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Massachusetts Voters Pass Historic Animal Protection Law

Massachusetts Voters Pass Historic Animal Protection Law
Massachusetts just banned contained spaces from being used to house livestock due to the harsh impact it has on the animals' physical and mental wellbeing.

Thanks to over 5 million affirmative votes, the Massachusetts Minimum Size Requirements for Farm Animal Containment – also known as Question 3 – was passed this Tuesday.

This definition bans the use of veal crates, gestation crates, and battery cages. Thouh several states have already prohibited some of these individual devices, Massachussetts is the first to dispose of all three.

Though some legislators said that the bill would make animal byproducts more expensive for poorer Americans, 77.6% of Massachusetts voters approved the vote in protest of the cruel livestock practices.

The bill will also prevent business owners from importing products from outside Massachusetts that do not comply with the treatment standards. Farmers have until 2020 to meet the requirements before they start being fined by the state.

Click To Share This Story With Your Friends – Photo by Farm Sanctuary

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