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When Man Offers Possessions in Exchange For Ending His Life, Hundreds Rally Around Him

When Man Offers Possessions in Exchange For Ending His Life, Hundreds Rally Around Him
These Facebook users were not about to let a community member suffer alone. Instead, they rallied around him until he got help.

The members of a community Facebook buy and sell page were shocked when one of the visitors made a post in which he offered to trade all of his possessions in exchange for someone to end his life.

Instead of accepting the offer, however, hundreds of Facebook users gave him support and words of comfort.

The unnamed man from Gold Coast originally took the to the "Gold Coast Buy, Sell and Swap With Easy Rules" yesterday at 5PM.

"I will pay someone with everything I own for one favour … anyone interested?" he wrote.

He then lists his all of his valuables, including: "$300 + TV Xbox One, 360, PlayStation 2, about 100 games, 60 DVDs (and) 2 laptops".

"All that if one person grants my request," he added.

When asked what the favor was, he simply said: "Kill me."

Other page members immediately commented on the post offering reassurance.

"What good are your belongings when you're in jail charged with murder? I'd rather get you some help," said a woman named Daisy Chain.

"There's plenty out there to live for," commented Nick Lucas.

"Message me anytime you want to vent," wrote Karen Holmes.

"Please call a family member, friend or Lifeline," one person wrote. "If this is a cry out for help there are people who will help you. You aren't alone."

While many of the commenters were sure to keep the man occupied with messages of hope, one community member figured out the location of the distressed man and drove 31 miles south (50 kilometers) to offer consolation in person. Other users published the phone numbers of suicide hotlines. Another person called police and emergency response services for help.

And through all of this, page members kept commenting on the man's post with love and support.

One person wrote: "Please call someone or allow someone to read you. I lost someone to suicide and it doesn't stop your pain. Those around you will live the pain you talk of."

"Get real help my friend. I was where you are one year ago. Now life is wonderful. Believe in yourself," wrote another.

Finally, according to an Australian news website, the mother of the suicidal man commented on the page saying that her son had voluntarily gone with emergency response services to the local hospital. He has since been diagnosed with a condition that he is now receiving treatment for. Moreover, she says that he was "really taken aback by everyone's kind words and encouragement" and she was grateful to everyone for looking after her son during his time of need.

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