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Man Leaves Boxes of Amusing "New" Girl Scout Flavors at Local Grocery Store

Man Leaves Boxes of Amusing "New" Girl Scout Flavors at Local Grocery Store
Some of the fake sweet treats are seasoned with our favorite tasty delights, such as clams, dark magic, and patriarchies .

With Girl Scout cookie season coming up, everyone is getting ready to stock up on Thin Mints and Samoas (which are obviously the best flavors) for the long cookie-less months ahead.

At this particular grocery store that was infiltrated by comedian Jeff Wysasky, however, consumers were able to find more than the average array of Girl Scout treats.

Wysasky is the mastermind behind Obvious Plant, a Facebook page dedicated to placing amusing fake signs and products in public. This week, the comedian placed some new Girl Scout cookie flavors on the shelves of his local grocery store.

Our favorite of the gag goodies? Probably the one entitled "Oops! All Raisins (We Messed Up)".

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