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Man Helps Amputee Up the Stairs, Then Returns to Build Ramp

Man Helps Amputee Up the Stairs, Then Returns to Build Ramp
This man didn't just carry a total stranger up some stairs – he returned the next day to build them a whole new wheelchair ramp.

Jennifer Austin had long awaited the day that her husband would finally return from the hospital – but after weeks of time spent in the ICU, Don Austin arrived home on Friday only to find a frustrating obstacle standing in his way: the stairs to his front door.

Due to a host of health issues, Don had had his leg amputated below the knee. Though he had crutches handy, he still wasn't strong enough to make it up the stairs to their house in Creston, Florida.

It was then that Steve Smith drove by in his car and saw the family struggling with the steps. He circled back and pulled into the driveway, asking if they needed help.

Steve then scooped Don up into his arms, carried him into the house, and put the man down on the couch.

"We were pretty emotional at that time and so grateful for this angel that took the time to help. But it didn't end there."

Steve, who happened to also be a welder, then returned the next day with his father so they could build a wheelchair ramp for Don.

"This stranger saved the day for us twice within 24 hours. He also brightened our spirits that had become increasingly dimmed over the difficult months," added Jennifer. "Like a breath of fresh air he is, and there is a sense of optimism back in our home because of his kindness. This stranger is now a friend."

Click To Share This Sweet News With Your Friends (Photo by Jennifer Austin)

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