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Man Creates Elaborate Cardboard Castle to Reconcile With His Cat - and It Worked

Man Creates Elaborate Cardboard Castle to Reconcile With His Cat - and It Worked
This cat owner felt bad about making his feline friend endure a miserable medical treatment - so he grabbed 40 cardboard boxes and got to work.

Have you ever loved someone so fiercely, you insisted on building them a castle? Well, that's exactly what Billy Browne did for his cat.

In a YouTube video, Browne explains that he had been forced to give ear drops to his cat Rufus as a means of treating a nasty ear infection.

Unfortunately, the drops were quite painful and Rufus was less than reluctant to endure the 2-week treatment.

"I would return from work and he would run from me!" writes Browne. "Now [that his] ears are better I wanted to do something to show my gratitude for his putting up with my torture."

So as a means of reconciling with his beloved feline, Browne built him a castle out of his favorite medium: cardboard boxes.

The best part? Rufus actually defied typical feline stereotypes and loved the elaborate fort.

(WATCH the epic video below)

Be Sure And Share This Pawesome Labor Of Love With Your Friends - Photo by Billy Browne

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