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Man Becomes Hero to Cats in War-Torn Syria

Man Becomes Hero to Cats in War-Torn Syria
Families fleeing the violence in Syria sometimes have to leave behind their most prized possessions, including their pets – that's where Mohammed comes in.

This feline hero is making sure that the kittens left behind by fleeing families have someone to take care of them until the war is over.

Even though he has received criticism for not dedicating his efforts towards helping human victims instead, the Syrian insists that cats and dogs are important parts of people's families that deserve to be looked after as well. His wife and three kids could have fled to Turkey, but they decided to remain and help those less fortunate.

"I regard animals and humans in the same light," Mohammad told Newsweek. "All of them suffer pain, and all of them deserve compassion."

There have been stories of refugees successfully bringing their pets with them on the dangerous voyage to safety, but many of them don't get the chance and end up getting separated in the wake of the war.

Despite the violence in the country, Mohammad dreams of one day building an animal shelter and hospital for his furry friends.

Spread Hope, Click To Share – Photo by Mohammed Alaa Aljaleel

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