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Mall of America to Close on Thanksgiving For the First Time Ever

Mall of America to Close on Thanksgiving For the First Time Ever
It's a Thanksgiving miracle! Over 15,000 employees will now get to spend the holiday with their family instead of working.

This may not be such good news for Black Friday shopping fanatics, but for the 15,000 employees working in the biggest mall in the USA, it's a much-appreciated gesture.

Mall of America officials announced on Wednesday that it was abandoning their previous policy of staying open from Thanksgiving morning into Black Friday. The super mall will stay closed on November 24th except for certain operations like the Walk to End Hunger fundraiser. Then on 5am the next day, the mall will reopen with a special ribbon cutting ceremony for the eager consumers.

Though shops will have the choice of staying open on the holiday, mall officials expect few will actually do so.

The 520-plus stores in the Bloomington, Minnesota mall have historically made themselves available to consumers for the Christmas shopping madness, but this year, workers are grateful for the chance to be with their family instead.

Let's Be Thankful Together: Click To Share With Your Friends – Photo by Aine D, CC

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