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Los Angeles is Searching for a Graphic Designer With a Hilarious Help Wanted Ad

Los Angeles is Searching for a Graphic Designer With a Hilarious Help Wanted Ad
Are you fond of comic sans and Microsoft Paint? Well, apparently so is the City of Los Angeles – which is why they're searching for a new graphic designer.

https://t.co/rVbTTIAFBR pic.twitter.com/At6GOD6MP5

The city of Los Angeles is searching for a graphic designer to create all of their pamphlets, posters, brochures, ads, and displays – and judging by the questionable "Help Wanted" poster that they used on social media last week, the city needs one pretty badly.

The Los Angeles Jobs Twitter page's "Help Wanted" ad looked suspiciously like it had been created by a 5-year-old on Microsoft Paint.

If potential applicants are thrown off by the weird scribbles of their government officials, however, the job itself is worth your while; applicants can earn as much as $40,000 to $103,000 per year.

The post spurred some Twitter users to send in "resumes" that were hilariously similar to the original poster, while others took the chance to share their own embarrassing graphic design experiences.

If you or any other graphic designers you know would like to apply for the position, you can send in your application on the Los Angeles Careers page.

Here's my resume pic.twitter.com/o8YBYphgUv

I had our Data Analyst do something similar a few years ago. Still is the most effective poster for attracting designers. pic.twitter.com/xTuiMtRKML

You could've use this. pic.twitter.com/arLSr7wete


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