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16-yo Lewis Clarke Youngest to Reach the South Pole

16-yo Lewis Clarke Youngest to Reach the South Pole
A British teenager has become the youngest person to reach the South Pole. Lewis Clarke, 16, from Bristol, spent almost 50 days on ice, skiing for an average of eight hours a day in frigid temps of 50 below zero with ferocious winds.

A British teenager has become the youngest person to reach the South Pole.

Lewis Clarke, 16, from Bristol, spent almost 50 days on ice, skiing for an average of eight hours a day and battling temperatures as low as -50C (-58F) and winds of 120mph.

His father, Steven, said he had set off on Saturday "really motivated to make it – but it was -50, the coldest so far, and with really ferocious winds".

But on Saturday night, Lewis was celebrating in a heated tent eating pasta with fresh parmesan — his first real meal in nearly seven weeks.

Lewis will stay overnight at the Pole and then he has been offered a tour of the Amundsen Scott Polar Research base tomorrow.  He will fly back to Union Glacier base camp tomorrow afternoon and will be back in the UK on January 24th.

– READ the story from the Telegraph

– LEARN more at Clarke's blog, youngesttosouthpole.wordpress.com

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