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This New LED Lamp Has Helped 90% of Its Dyslexic Users to Read 'Effortlessly'

This New LED Lamp Has Helped 90% of Its Dyslexic Users to Read 'Effortlessly'
More than 90% of the dyslexic people who tested the device said they could "easily read any text illuminated by the lamp".

There may be no current pharmaceutical treatments or cures for dyslexia, but scientists have designed a new kind of lamp that could be a game-changer for people with the learning disorder.

Although the cause of dyslexia is still a bit of a mystery, researchers have found that the disorder may be caused by a person being born with two dominant eyes rather than one.

Because both eyes are vying to process information, written letters and words can become blurred or mirrored, which makes reading and writing particularly difficult for people with dyslexia.

That's why a team of French researchers developed the Lexilife lamp as a tool for helping dyslexics to read and write.

The LED lamp is designed to pulse and modulate at customizable speeds that clear up the visual symptoms of dyslexia.

The Lexilife team tested the light's efficiency on 300 people with dyslexia-and 90% of participants said that they could "effortlessly read a text illuminated by the lamp."

The device is currently being sold in Europe for €549 along with a free 30-day trial, and it will soon be made available in the United States.

The Lexilife developers also admit that although the price is steep, they hope to bring down production costs by funding additional research on the lamp's capabilities and the causes of dyslexia.

"Jean-Baptiste Fontes, founder of Lexilife, decided to share [the lamp] with as many people as possible," reads the Lexilife website. "Manufacturing costs and selling prices are still high, but the more it is known and adopted, the more accessible it will be."

(WATCH the lamp in action below) - Photo by Lexilife

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