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Woman Brings Real Hope to End Stage Cancer Patients

Woman Brings Real Hope to End Stage Cancer Patients
One upstart nonprofit is giving hope to "end stage" patients by providing assistance to defray the costs associated with the patient's participation in FDA clinical trails.

One upstart nonprofit is giving hope to "end stage" patients by providing assistance to defray the costs associated with the patient's participation in FDA clinical trails.

"Unfortunately, most trials aren't in someone's backyard. So we fly them or we pay for their apartment or their gas or whatever it is they need."

To fatten their checkbook and help more people, the Lazarex Cancer Foundation, founded in 2006 by Dana Dornsife after her brother-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, throws major events almost monthly, like the marathon yesterday in Oakland.

"We help patients take advantage of medical breakthroughs today, because they may not have a tomorrow." (image, right, Lazarex Cancer Foundation logo) (Continue reading report by Times-Herald)


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