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Teenage Sailor Laura Dekker Becomes Youngest to Circle the Globe

Teenage Sailor Laura Dekker Becomes Youngest to Circle the Globe
A year and a day after she set out to sail single-handed around the globe, Dutch teenager Laura Dekker will finish her 27,000 mile voyage on Saturday.

A year and a day after she set out to sail single-handed around the globe, Dutch teenager Laura Dekker will finish her 27,000 mile voyage on Saturday.

Miss Dekker, who is 16 years and four months old, has cut six months off the unofficial record set in 2010 by Australian teenager Jessica Watson, who was days away from her 17th birthday when she completed her own non-stop voyage.

The voyage, on a 38 ft boat called Guppy, also raised money for Sea Shepherd Netherlands, an organization whose mission is to end the slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans.

(READ the story at the Telegraph)


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