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Midas Provides a Golden Touch When Kitty is Stuck Inside a Car's Frame

Midas Provides a Golden Touch When Kitty is Stuck Inside a Car's Frame
A 9-week-old kitten found her way into the subframe of a 2000 Honda Accord in Lexington, Kentucky, and was stuck until it was saved by the Midas touch.

Everyone enjoys a nice morning drive, but one kitty was the unwitting passenger in a wild ride that ended in a rescue.

The 9-week-old kitten found her way into the subframe of a 2000 Honda Accord in Lexington, Kentucky and became trapped in one of the holes. Unnoticed by the owner at first, she was carried, hidden in the car, from Lexington to Frankfort, where she was discovered-still stuck.

When the man stopped for lunch on his way home, the trapped kitten was spotted out the window by the manager of a Hardee's drive-thru restaurant. The concerned worker jumped into action, contacting local firefighters and the nearby Midas auto shop for help to free the feline.

A Midas mechanic posted photos and wrote on Facebook: "After an hour of rear subframe removal, a Lexington Fireman, my lead tech and myself, with some soap, sweat, and prayers, were able to extract the kitten from the clutches of the rear subframe."

Though she was tired and frightened, the kitten appeared to be alright. The crew took her to the veterinarian's and she was released quickly with a clean bill of health.

The Midas workers named her Marigold, after the fictional daughter of King Midas in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Tale of King Midas and the Golden Touch.

Marigold is now starting her new life with an adopted family, and hopefully that'll be the last car ride for her for awhile.

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