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Kids Wrap Lamp Poles With Free Coats to Keep Homeless People Warm

Kids Wrap Lamp Poles With Free Coats to Keep Homeless People Warm
Little girls spent the day dressing lamp posts in winter coats for the homeless to take.

These gifts will do more than just warm the heart — they will warm the hands, ears and bodies of folks who are living in poverty.

At first, the people in Halifax, Nova Scotia were perplexed when they saw lamp posts around town sporting warm jackets stuffed with scarves and mittens. Looking closer, little notes attached to the items informed anyone on the street they were giveaways to all who might be cold.

We live in a caring community! Great to see coats downtown for whoever might need one in this cold weather. pic.twitter.com/kRAvIlWdDV


"Whoever is behind this in downtown Halifax, you are awesome," The Halifolks Facebook page posted with a photo of a pair of the coats.

The "awesome" people behind it were Tara Smith-Atkins and a platoon of little girls.

Every year, Smith-Atkins collects coats for the homeless and delivers them where she hopes to do a little good.

She headed up to Halifax to celebrate her daughter's eighth birthday, and the party began with wrapping jackets around trees, streetlights, and signposts.

After an hour on the street, the little girls were anxious to feel the heater when they got back to the car. Smith-Atkins says the kids "definitely learned" the importance of their mission after spending their own time in the cold.

She and her husband had a similar project in Toronto last year and she's already planning another coat drive for next year.

(READ more from CBC News) — Photos: Halifolks, Facebook: Tara Smith-Atkins, Facebook

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