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Kids Give Up Playtime to Learn Sign Language for Deaf Classmate

Kids Give Up Playtime to Learn Sign Language for Deaf Classmate
Fifth graders give up their recess to learn sign language so they can communicate with a deaf boy in their class.

These fifth graders are learning sign language and the reason why speaks volumes about their character.

Students at a Peoria, Illinois school give up recess every Wednesday so they can learn sign language just to better communicate with a deaf classmate — Rhemy Elsey.


The kids formed an American Sign Language club and practice their skills with Rhemy and an instructor.

Rhemy has cochlear implants, but still relies on signing for much of his ability to communicate with others. He's been overwhelmed by the willingness of classmates to give up free time just so they can learn to carry on conversations with him.

"It's like they want to be like me," Rhemy told WMBD News.

(WATCH the Facebook video below from WMBD News) — Photo: news video

Check out my story on these awesome 5th graders that are learning sign language--all so that they can communicate with a friend and classmate. I think these children stand to teach us an amazing lesson that we can all take something away from--about kindness and accepting others :) Happy Friday! http://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/students-learn-sign-language-for-friend

Posted by Alyssa Paldo on Friday, February 19, 2016

Check out my story on these awesome 5th graders that are learning sign language--all so that they can communicate with a friend and classmate. I think these children stand to teach us an amazing lesson that we can all take something away from--about kindness and accepting others :) Happy Friday! http://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/students-learn-sign-language-for-friend

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