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Irishmen Without Phones Reunited With Tourist Pic After Asking Woman to Put It On Internet for Them to Find

Irishmen Without Phones Reunited With Tourist Pic After Asking Woman to Put It On Internet for Them to Find
Within hours of posting a photo of three Irish friends to social media, Twitter users were successfully able to identify the men.

When I was in the city last week, these three Irishmen asked me to take a photo of them, but none of them had phones. "you'll take the picture and we'll find it someday" so if by some strange turn of events anyone knows these guys, here's their photo pic.twitter.com/ZrPvKXusJ7

A New Jersey woman's social media post may have just proven the stereotype that everyone in Ireland knows each other.

23-year-old Christina Boniello was in New York City earlier this week for a film premiere when she was approached by three Irish tourists who asked her to take their photo.

Boniello was surprised, however, when they said that none of them had cell phones.

Instead, the Irishmen asked her to use her own phone for the picture and then post it onto the internet for them to find.

Boniello followed their instructions and published their photo to Twitter, saying: "When I was in the city last week, these three Irishmen asked me to take a photo of them, but none of them had phones. ‘You'll take the picture and we'll find it someday.' So if by some strange turn of events anyone knows these guys, here's their photo."

Within hours of publishing the photo, someone responded to Boniello's post and identified the men as Seán Tighe, Bernie Waldron, and John Devanney, all of whom are from Ballyhaunis, County Mayo.

The Twitter user then assured Boniello that the photo would be reunited with them as they had predicted.

Twitter users are now chuckling over the amusing story as a testament to the occasional magic of the internet.

"Most definitely did not expect to be able to ID these guys as quick as everyone did," said Boniello. "I'm blown away and honestly so happy with the power of social media."

Be Sure And Share The Fun Story Of Serendipity With Your Own Friends On Social Media…

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