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Blindness Doesn't Hinder Flawless Make-Up Tutoring on YouTube

Blindness Doesn't Hinder Flawless Make-Up Tutoring on YouTube
This 19-year-old YouTube beauty blogger won't let blindness keep her from flawlessly applying her makeup. She's inspired thousands of women everywhere.

This 19-year-old video blogger wasn't about to let blindness keep her from teaching other girls how to apply their makeup with flair.

Two years ago, Lucy Edwards went blind after losing sight in left eye. She had also lost sight in her right eye when she was 11. But, with her sister's help she developed a daily routine without needing to see her reflection.

"When I was plunged into blindness, there were no resources for this kind of thing [beauty], and it took me hours and hours to learn how to do my makeup," she told Buzzfeed. "I wanted to stay positive, which is why I'm on YouTube, really."


Edwards has gained a loyal following by showing girls everywhere that beauty knows no bounds.

Despite being blind, she has rolled out a steady stream of beauty tips that women everywhere find useful on her YouTube channel, "Yesterday Wishes." She hopes that her work inspires viewers to learn more about vision impairment, and educates others through her own experiences.

She has also developed a series called, "What Is," which provides answers to questions ask by her viewers in the YouTube comments.

In one video, she responds to "What is blindness" by saying, "Blindness it the strength to carry on and do everything you want to do in life. Even though you live in darkness."

(WATCH a sample video or READ more at Buzzfeed)

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