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Forget Online Dating: Writing Letters to This Ancient Tree in Germany is Fabled to Help People Find Their Valentine

Forget Online Dating: Writing Letters to This Ancient Tree in Germany is Fabled to Help People Find Their Valentine
This ancient oak tree in northern Germany has a history of connecting people with their one true love—and it could work for you too.

If you haven't felt the spark of love through online dating apps, it may be time for you to sew your seeds in better places—like under the loving limbs of this tree in Germany.

The Bridegroom's Oak tree is fabled to have had a remarkable history of helping people find true love.

It started with a couple in 1890 who used a hole in the tree to pass notes to each other in secret. As more and more people told the story of the star-crossed lovers, admirers began using the 600-year-old tree as a mailbox to deliver their own letters of hope—to their future soulmates.

The tree was given its own postal address in 1927, and it now receives roughly 1,000 letters per year. People visit the tree, read and take home letters that look interesting, and become pen pals—and sometimes they even get married.

Karl-Heinz Martens has delivered letters to the tree as a mailman for 30 years, and he believes the ancient oak has a certain kind of "unparalleled" magic.

"I do believe there is something magical about the tree," he says. "This aura, this tranquility that you have there, this serenity cannot be matched by the internet. I'm getting goosebumps just talking about it."

If you're skeptical about the tree's ability to call in "lady luck", that's fine – but you should also known that Martens is now happily married to a woman who sent him a letter through the tree after she saw him in an interview on TV.

(WATCH the sweet video below by Great Big Story) – Photo by Great Big Story

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