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7-Year-old With Incurable Condition Amazes Doctors: Now Walking, Talking, And Top of Her Class

7-Year-old With Incurable Condition Amazes Doctors: Now Walking, Talking, And Top of Her Class
A blind girl, Evie-Mae Geurts, has amazed doctors after she regained her sight and 'cured herself' of a usually life-long brain condition.

A blind girl has amazed doctors after she regained her sight and ‘cured herself' of a usually life-long brain condition.

Evie-Mae Geurts was registered blind at just a few months old, and when her head started to swell a few months later, her 28-year-old mom demanded answers.

Doctors discovered she had hydrocephalus, the build up of fluid in the ventricles deep within the brain, at just eight months old.

The pressure inside her head was 32 times the normal level, and doctors warned while they could help relieve the pain and build up, the damage to her brain was done. The continued pressure meant her sight was gone forever, and she'd likely never learn to walk and talk.

Against all the odds, not only did her sight return when she was a toddler; Evie-Mae Geurts also learned to walk and talk.

More than that, her hydrocephalus disappeared last year. Usually hydrocephalus is a condition which can't be cured and forever requires shunts—hollow tubes surgically placed in the brain—to drain fluid from the area.

Evie-Mae is now thriving as a seven year old. She lives without shunts, is top of the class, and can see perfectly without any glasses.

While she is still undergoing eye tests every six months to monitor her progress, doctors have been amazed by her journey. "They can't believe it," said proud mother Amy. "Evie is phenomenal. We're so proud of her. She's an amazing little girl, and so brave."


When doctors took out the shunts Evie-Mae no longer needed, they had to shave her hair back to do the procedure.

At the hair salon afterwards, the stylists told the little girl how brave she'd been to go through so much. She answered, "Just like Eugene cuts Rapunzel's hair to save her in Tangled, the doctors cut my hair off to save me."

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