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Popular Hiking App Releases 27,000 Trail Maps to Download for Free, Increasing Hiker Safety

Popular Hiking App Releases 27,000 Trail Maps to Download for Free, Increasing Hiker Safety
Now used by over 600,000 hikers worldwide, the app which began life in Ireland is now one of the most-used hiking apps on the market.

One of the most popular hiking apps has made 27,000 trail maps available for download for free in a bid to increase hiker safety.

Most hikers, if they're honest, will at some point have experienced this situation: they thought they needed to follow one trail, but instead they followed another. Seeking to reorient themselves, they timidly pulled out their smartphone and see, as they suspected, there was no reception of any kind.

Last year, search and rescue missions were up 32% across the US. This is mainly down to the hikers being inadequately prepared. Access to offline maps would help ensure that all hikers can be best prepared for their hike.

To that end, the Irish hiking app HiiKER has released all trail maps in its database for download free of charge. They can either choose to download them directly to their smartphone or as a GPX file to their smartwatch—saving the battery of their device while away from electricity access.

"Hiker Safety is our absolute priority. Offering hikers Free Offline maps on HiiKER, means that everyone can feel confident that they're on track, regardless of mobile service," said Paul Finlay, CEO and Founder of HiiKER.

The app team claims that other incumbent Hiking apps such as Alltrails, Strava, and OutdoorActive charge for access to offline maps. As this service is critical to hiker safety, HiiKER is offering it to hikers for free.

Now used by over 600,000 hikers worldwide, the app which began life on the Emerald Isle three years ago is now one of the most-used hiking apps on the market, with over 27,000 hiking routes available to users.

HiiKER also works alongside trail management organizations to ensure the data they include in their app is always up to date.

One such organization, the Continental Divide Trail Coalition, welcomed the news of the free offline maps.

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