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How Do You Get a Near-Drowned Moose Out Of a Frozen Lake? (WATCH)

How Do You Get a Near-Drowned Moose Out Of a Frozen Lake? (WATCH)
This moose wasn't going to last much longer hanging onto the ice if Washington officials hadn't shown up with a sledgehammer.


These guys had to try every trick in the book to loosen the ice around the neck of an eight-foot bull moose, enough to pry the huge animal out of frozen Loon Lake.

In a two-hour marathon of chopping, using everything from sledgehammers to chainsaws, the law enforcement officials of Spokane, Washington finally were able free the waterlogged creature so it could crawl to safety.

All the while, the moose waited patiently and tried to claw himself onto the ice whenever he was nudged to do so by the patient public servants.

(WATCH the heroic effort in the video above)

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