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Hotel Concierge Sends Puppy Via Room Service, if You Want to Snuggle

Hotel Concierge Sends Puppy Via Room Service, if You Want to Snuggle
When you stay at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco, you can ask to hang out with their adorable "Chief Canine Officer" named Buster.

The hotel I'm staying at puts a stuffed puppy on the bed. They allow their guests to dial the operator and they will bring the REAL pup to your room pic.twitter.com/KVREqVfG8j

This hotel's room service doesn't just include delivering warm meals to your door – they can also bring you a puppy companion for snuggling.

The "Chief Canine Officer" at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco, California is named Buster Posey. If visitors want to hang out with the friendly pup, all they have to do is just pick up the phone and ask the front desk.

News of Buster's important job is going viral after a Twitter user posted photos of a stuffed dog that hotel workers left on the bed in his room.

Attached to the dog was a note saying that if hotel guests wanted to meet the real deal, they simply have to dial ‘0' for the Operator to check Buster's schedule.

You can also follow the pup's pawesome antics on Instagram and Twitter.

Given the choice between chocolate on the pillow, and a puppy on the bed, we'd romp with rover any day.

(WATCH the video below)

I hope I get to meet you next time you visit! ? @EvansPosts pic.twitter.com/njDnJhAtZi

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