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Kids in Hong Kong Write and Fund Book For Charity in Just 4 Days

Kids in Hong Kong Write and Fund Book For Charity in Just 4 Days
These articulate tots spent their summer learning about business skills so they could write a book in four days flat, and give the sales to charity.

A group of kids ages 8-11 who spent their summer learning entrepreneurship skills in Hong Kong have written a book called How To Be A Good Babysitter in just four days.

"We were quite surprised that by day 3 of the program the kids brainstormed 30+ book ideas, narrowed it down to one title and wrote most of it," Yana Robbins, the founder of Jumpstart, says. "In the following sessions they continued writing, worked on the layout, learned about sourcing images, wrote sponsorship letters, cold called sponsors, conducted mock media interviews and had a passionate discussion about which charity they want to support."

The 38-page book will be in English and Cantonese and filled with 60+ tips and illustrations on how to be a good babysitter. The book is meant to be an introduction for 7-10-year-olds on how how to play with the baby or toddler, what to do if they cry, and what they should and shouldn't do, like always washing hands before handling the child.

Jumpstart Kids is a new program developed by Robbins's Jumpstart Magazine, a print/online publication for startups in Hong Kong. The goal is to instill a confidence in kids to teach them that they can do anything and they can make a difference.

The sale of their book has already been approved at eight Bookazine shops and its publication date is set for October 15, 2016.

(WATCH the Jumpstart Kids video below)

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