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Homeless People Show Heart-touching Generosity in Undercover Op

Homeless People Show Heart-touching Generosity in Undercover Op
In a video published last weekend, Florida homeless people displayed heart-touching generosity in an undercover experiment to test their humanity.

Practical jokes aren't always done in the name of mischief, they can also be part of meaningful endeavors. In a video published last weekend, Florida homeless people displayed heart-touching generosity in an undercover experiment to test their humanity.

Omar Gosh, of the YouTube channel "OmarGoshTV," is known to be a prankster. If the Tampa, Florida hair stylist isn't making people laugh at drive-thrus, he's tricking clients into believing their hair is falling out.

Posing as homeless, himself, Gosh asked several people living on the streets if they could give him food or money. In the resulting video, you can see each of the kind-hearted souls either sharing their meal or offering whatever coins they had, right from their pocket.

Eventually, Gosh told the strangers that he didn't need anything, and then he rewarded each person with $20 for their selfless acts. (Watch below)

"…You can give no matter what you have. If these people can give, than you can give, too," Gosh says in his video before admitting that he wasn't wealthy.

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Even more touching, he gifted one of the men with, literally, the sneakers off his feet. In a real example of paying it forward, that person, in turn, offered his old shoes to someone else.

This isn't the first time homeless people have been lauded for their generosity on YouTube.

Last fall, WS shared this YouTube video from OckTV showing people outside of a pizza place being asked to share a slice. In a show of kindness, the homeless man was the only one who willing to do so.

Examples like these that show ‘the least among us' sometimes give the most, prove that altruism and philanthropy come in all forms –and we all have the opportunity to share. (For instance, you can donate to Omar's campaign to help the homeless)

(WATCH the video from OmarGoshTV)

MULTIPLY the Good and Share it Forward (below) / Story Tip From John Baumgarten

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