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When Homeless Man Finds $17,000 Outside of Food Bank, He Turns It In So It Can Help Feed Others

When Homeless Man Finds $17,000 Outside of Food Bank, He Turns It In So It Can Help Feed Others
Kevin Booth could have just taken the cash and run – but instead, he turned it in to the food bank volunteers so they could use it to help other people.

When a homeless man stopped by his local food bank for a meal early one August morning, he found a lot more than just food outside their door.

Kevin Booth had originally planned to grab some of the free baked goods that are left outside of the Sumner Food Bank for people to take when the facility is closed at night. Instead, he saw a peculiar brown paper bag sitting outside the locked front door.

Thinking that it held food, Booth opened the bag only to see that it contained stacks of $20 bills.

The bag was collectively filled with $17,000 in cash. Needless to say, that money would have made a great difference to Booth, and there was no one around to know that he had taken it.

But the 32-year-old says that he knew that the money would serve more people at the food bank, so he waited until volunteer Anita Miller arrived to open up the facility.

"There are a lot of people who would have taken it," Booth told the News Tribune. "I'm just not that person."

She was shocked to hear about what had been left outside their door, and she immediately called the police. Though the Sumner Police Department of Washington reviewed their security footage, they were not able to identify who dropped off the package.

After waiting the necessary 90 days for someone to claim the cash, they turned it over to the food bank and honored Booth for his compassion.

Miller says that she has been sharing the cash with Booth by giving him portions of the donation in the form of gift cards. Though he lives in a tent in the nearby forest, he has turned down her offers of shelter, although he does accept her gifts of winter clothes.

Additionally, a town resident has started a GoFundMe campaign to help raise money for Booth to buy the VW van that he dreams of using as shelter.

The food bank serves free meals to roughly 1,000 people every month, including Booth – and thanks to the mysterious multi-thousand dollar package, which is the largest donation ever made to the food bank, they will finally be able to finance a new walk-in freezer, Miller excitedly told reporters.

(WATCH the news coverage below) – Photo by Kurtis Hedge via GoFundMe

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