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California Senate Opens With Hindu Prayer for First Time

California Senate Opens With Hindu Prayer for First Time
The California State Senate heard its first Hindu opening prayer in its 157 years history, following in the footsteps of Nevada, when famous Hindu chaplain, Rajan Zed, recited ancient Sanskrit mantras in the hall last week.

The California State Senate heard its first Hindu opening prayer in its 157-year history, following in the footsteps of Nevada, when famous Hindu chaplain, Rajan Zed, recited from ancient Sanskrit in the hall last week. Six weeks earlier history was created when the United States Senate opened its session with Hindu prayers, also recited by Zed.

"Starting with "Om", the mystical syllable containing the universe, which in Hinduism is used to introduce and conclude religious work, he read from Rig-Veda, the oldest scripture of the world still in common use, dated from around 1,500 BCE. He also delivered from the Bhagavad-Gita." (IndoLink)

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