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Hero Neighbor Charges Into Lake to Save 4-Year-Old Boy With Autism

Hero Neighbor Charges Into Lake to Save 4-Year-Old Boy With Autism
The young woman has a three-year-old of her own, and said the sight of the little boy drowning was frightening.

A Michigan woman is being hailed a hero after she rescued a 4-year-old autistic boy who jumped into a lake.

Drowning is the leading cause of death among autistic children, but the water would have to make do with frogs and fish after Jessica Bauer and the boy's Grandma saw him fall in, and the former tossed her smartphone over her shoulder before jumping in.

Ring camera captured the youngster tumbling into a pond and Bauer's rescue. The young woman has a three-year-old of her own, and said the sight of the little boy drowning was frightening, but nevertheless, she told Inside Edition that she didn't think much at all as she was jumping in.

The mother of the 4-year-old later thanked her hero neighbor. Bauer says the boy she saved is doing fine and is excited to celebrate his 5th birthday.

WATCH the rescue below…

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