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Harry Potter Fans and J.K. Rowling Win Deal to Get Child Labor Out of Chocolate

Harry Potter Fans and J.K. Rowling Win Deal to Get Child Labor Out of Chocolate
After a four-year campaign by the fan activist group the Harry Potter Alliance and its favorite author, J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros. has relented and announced they would stop buying cocoa from a company known for its poor record on human rights and child labor.

After a four-year campaign by the fan activist group the Harry Potter Alliance and its favorite author, J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros. has relented and announced they would stop buying cocoa from a company known for its poor record on human rights and child labor.

The group, whose motto is "The Weapon We Have is Love," submitted 400,000 signatures to the film studio and recently scored a victory, receiving a letter, and a public announcement.

"By the end of 2015, and sooner when possible, all Harry Potter chocolate products sold at Warner Bros. outlets and through our licensed partners will be 100-percent UTZ or Fair Trade certified."

Now the Potter fans can resume munching on their favorite snacks of chocolate frogs.

(READ the story from CS Monitor)

Photo: chocolate frog package by ehpien via CC license

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