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WS Names First Ever "Good News Ambassadors"

WS Names First Ever "Good News Ambassadors"
Two notable women were named 2012 Good News Ambassadors last week during a sunset award ceremony aboard a river cruise on the Potomac in Washington, DC. Caroline Adams Miller and Allison Silberberg were chosen got their strong positive voices in the fields of psychology, coaching, storytelling and advocacy.

Two notable women were named 2012 Good News Ambassadors last week during a sunset award ceremony aboard a river cruise on the Potomac in Washington, DC.

With a pristine blue sky overhead Caroline Adams Miller (pictured on the left) and Allison Silberberg (right) accepted their awards during a celebration marking the Good News Network's 15th anniversary as the #1 online source for positive news.

Caroline Adams Miller was chosen because of her strong voice in the emerging positive psychology field.

"A lot of people don't understand that many of the things we seek out to improve our well-being – like reading articles about good news – are actually supported by science," she told the crowd.

"There is a tipping point we need to get over every single day in order to predict emotional flourishing, which is a ratio of at least 3:1 (for every negative you need three positive interactions). It is important that we voluntarily bring positive emotions into our lives every day, so starting with the Good News Network could be the boost that starts a domino effect of happiness every day."

Miller uses positive psychology in her coaching practice and speaks widely on the topic around the world.

"I believe my calling is to spread the science of emotional flourishing, also known as Positive Psychology, to as many people as possible." she explained. "When we are in a place that is optimistic and contented, the research shows that we predispose ourselves to build relationships with other people, to take in more information about our environment, to pursue our goals with more persistence and zest, and to positively impact others with contagious behaviors."

Miller has written articles for the Good News Network including "How The Bucket List Film May Change Your Life & Make You Happier", which is based on her popular book, Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide. In the book, she used the science of positive psychology to create a comprehensive guide for accomplishing all the goals on your bucket list.

Allison Silberberg is a writer, advocate, public speaker, and photographer who specializes in philanthropy, community action, social justice, and civic engagement.

Currently a Democratic nominee for City Council in Alexandria, Virginia, she was endorsed by EMILY's List and is notable for advocating on behalf of the most vulnerable as Chair of the city's Economic Opportunities Commission.

But it is her storytelling that brought her to the attention of the Good News Network. Her wonderful book, Visionaries In Our Midst: Ordinary People who are Changing our World, brings to life the stories of individuals who are making a difference in our country — unsung public heroes who are committed to social change.

"Their stories demonstrate what is possible in the world today," she said. "I learned a great deal about how each of us can have impact and create a ripple effect of good outcomes for others as we all pay it forward, and I've heard from many readers how the book has changed their lives."

Miller believes that, like the Good News Network, Silberberg's book is what's called a "positive intervention," and by deliberately putting positive stories in your thoughts you are powerfully priming yourself to notice other good news and behave that way yourself.

Congratulations, to the very first Good News Ambassadors. We look forward to honoring more positive people with these admirable qualities in years to come.

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