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Startup Global-PPE Delivers Essential Protective Gear to Native American Reservations

Startup Global-PPE Delivers Essential Protective Gear to Native American Reservations
A healthcare startup called Global-PPE based in Virginia delivered personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies to underserved Native Americans.

A healthcare startup committed to securing personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies for underserved communities, is working with Native American communities to close the shortfalls of gear that could combat the spread of COVID-19.

Global-PPE is aiding Partnership with Native Americans, a Native-led, Native-serving nonprofit that works in remote and impoverished reservations, to distribute 10,000 surgical masks to numerous tribes in the Southwest and Northern Plains regions.

"Donations are critical right now and the generous donation of masks from Global-PPE will further us in doing all we can to ensure Native Americans are not left behind in this pandemic," said Joshua Arce, president and CEO of PWNA.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to severe shortages of PPE equipment across the US, and Global-PPE was started to address this widespread problem and make sure critically needed medical supplies are available to those who need it, including underserved communities.

"COVID-19 continues to disproportionately put the health and lives of people of color and people in underserved communities at grave risk," said Sanjay Puri, CEO of Global-PPE, which is based in Reston, Virginia. "Our support of PWNA is just the beginning of our commitment to the health and well-being of those in disadvantaged communities."

Native American communities remain at a higher risk of contracting the coronavirus due to multiple factors, including overcrowded housing on the reservations as well as high rates of preexisting health conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease and respiratory illness.

(Photo by SJ Objio)

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