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Garbage Man Saves Kitten from Being Crushed, Now Adopted and Healthy in Time for Christmas

Garbage Man Saves Kitten from Being Crushed, Now Adopted and Healthy in Time for Christmas
He weighed 93 grams, and his coloration and birth so near the most wonderful time of the year earned him the name Tiny Tim

Seconds away from being crushed in a garbage truck, a snow-white kitten has found a new home in time for Christmas after being saved by the driver.

The two-day-old feline was found weighing just 93 grams, less than a tangerine, when a quick-thinking garbageman heard his tiny mews and fished him out of the trash that was being dumped and compacted in his truck.

Arriving at Blue Cross Animal Hospital, his coloration and his birth so near the most wonderful time of the year earned him the name Tiny Tim.

Tiny Tim needed to be hand-fed every two hours and, with his eyes not yet open as a newborn, he was kept in an incubator for warmth.

Following his brush with death, Tiny Tim was able to find a loving new home with another Blue Cross rescue kitten named Oskie, the sole survivor from his litter.

"I'm so glad I brought him to Blue Cross, what an amazing job the team has done," said the refuse collector who came to Tiny Tim's rescue. "I'm glad to see him so well."

Three-legged Oskie had his hind leg amputated after an infection. The best friends were both adopted by Laura Morris, who works for the Blue Cross.

Tiny Tim when he arrived – Credit Blue Cross Animal Hospital

"I couldn't believe he had been put in the bin, he's so cute and lovely," she said. "Tiny Tim's so inquisitive, confident, and happy. It's incredibly rewarding to see him as he is now, compared to when he first came to us."

Learning from another cat is incredibly valuable for Tiny Tim as he grows, giving him more chances to experience feline behavior firsthand, adds Laura.

"We are so happy he is now in a loving home where he is happy, healthy, and fed, which is all pets want for Christmas," said Morris' colleague Amanda Rumball, London animal welfare officer at Blue Cross.

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