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Cop Writes Amusing "Police Report" of Furry Carjacker Found on His Windshield

Cop Writes Amusing "Police Report" of Furry Carjacker Found on His Windshield
Sure, it's not the most groundbreaking news story to come out of the police department this week - but it's an endearing post for a good chuckle.

Everyone needs a break from the seriousness of life - including the police.

This officer in particular took a break from fighting crime to write an amusing police report of an unlikely hitchhiker who somehow made its way onto his windshield.

Officer Brandon Dennington of the Alameda County Sheriff's Office in Oakland, California was on his way to a Golden State Warriors game when he saw a mouse on the hood of his cruiser.

Dennington snapped a photo of the furry passenger, which he later posted to the police department's Facebook page with a few lighthearted jokes.

The post read: "We are not sure if this was an attempted car jacking but this little mouse popped up on the windshield of Deputy Brandon Dennington's K9 vehicle. Further investigation revealed the suspect was likely a San Antonio Spurs fan trying to intimidate us.

"Deputy Dennington was able to use de-escalation techniques and get the rabid fan off his car. Luckily, he was able to snap this photo of the elusive bandit.

"The suspect was last seen on foot running to a hiding spot. The suspect is 4 inches tall, weighing 1 ounce and wearing a grey and white fury coat. Thankfully, the Warriors won and Deputy Dennington got to the game on time.

Click To Share This Pawesome Tail With Your Friends (Photo by Officer Brandon Dennington)

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