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Florida 3-Year-Old Rescued from Sunken Vehicle After Police Perform CPR: 'Best cry I've ever heard'

Florida 3-Year-Old Rescued from Sunken Vehicle After Police Perform CPR: 'Best cry I've ever heard'
Walton passed the child to a colleague who administered CPR, and he started breathing again—evidenced by the immediate crying. 

There was no mistaking the tears on Officer Emmanuel Walton's face for the river water he had just climbed out of—having just watched a child be revived by CPR.

Miami-Dade police responded to an emergency call under a bridge where a car was sinking with a child inside. A request came from the first officers on the scene for backup, because despite heroic efforts from good samaritans and the driver, no one could get the child, strapped to his seat, out of the car.

Dramatic body came footage released by the department shows Officer Walton trying several unsuccessful rescues under the water.

"I couldn't see through the water, so I had to come back up a couple of times," Walton told Fox news adding that his instincts as a father drove him on without thinking.

He used his sense of touch to locate the car seat inside. Pulling with all his strength and without knowing how the seat was attached, it came off and he was able to pull the child out of the water.

Walton passed the child to a colleague who administered CPR, and he started breathing again—evidenced by the immediate crying.

"When the baby started crying I started crying too, because it was the best cry I've ever heard in my life," Officer Walton said.

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