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38 Year-old First to Ski Down Mt. Everest Without Stopping

38 Year-old First to Ski Down Mt. Everest Without Stopping
Davo Karnicar, of Slovenia, became the first person ever to make an uninterrupted ski descent from the top of the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest (29,035 ft).

Davo Karnicar, of Slovenia, became the first person ever to make an uninterrupted ski descent from the top of the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest (29,035 ft).

"I feel only absolute happiness and absolute fatigue," Karnicar told Reuters by satellite phone after arrival at the base camp."At some sections I had to ski very fast to escape from the breaking ice."

The four kilometers of terrain was completed non-stop by the ski instructor in nearly five hours on custom-made Elan skiis.

Davo believes all the decisions you need to make to ski successfully through breaking ice valleys require a mature personality — and Davo Karnicar, at 38 years old, symbolizes the limitless potential available at a mature age.

The historic skiing was captured on video by cameras set up along the way and on his helmet and is available on DVD – See a clip below.

The father of three has already skied down Mont Blanc and Annapurna in the Himalayas, but says he is not striving for titles. He strives for the enjoyment of the adventurous experience.

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