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Firefighter Rescues Twice, Pays Power Bill for Family- 'It Just Seemed Right'

Firefighter Rescues Twice, Pays Power Bill for Family- 'It Just Seemed Right'
This Detroit firefighter went beyond the normal heroics of saving lives with a powerful gift that came from a burning desire to help a family.

Firefighters are known for saving lives, but this Detroit area public servant went beyond the normal heroics with a powerful gift that came from a burning desire to help a family.

Ryan McCuen responded to an emergency call after the power went out at the home of a young man whose life is maintained by an electric ventilator.


After arriving he soon realized that the family, swamped with medical bills, had fallen behind on their electric payments-more than $1,000 behind-even while paying $200-$300 per month to try to get the balance paid off.

The Michigan family of seven had found some relief from a GoFundMe campaign set up by the mother, Christy Quant-Stone, who cares for two sons with muscular dystrophy, but had not received enough pledges to cover their urgent needs.

Ryan decided on the spot that he was going to pay their electric bill - in full - after he took the man to the hospital, and 20 minutes later the home's power was restored.

"You could tell they were honest folks-and it just seemed right," Ryan told WDIV News in Detroit.

After news of the humble fireman's good deed was publicized, the fundraising page has seen a surge in donations to almost $13,000.

(WATCH the video below at WXYZ-7 News)

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