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Fans Pull Off Incredible Hat Trick to Return Item Dropped From 8 Floors Up

Fans Pull Off Incredible Hat Trick to Return Item Dropped From 8 Floors Up
Teamwork makes the dream work – and the only thing more impressive than the Astros' teamwork this week is their fans coming together in this video.

While the Houston Astros are being hailed for winning the World Series this week, we're also taking our hats off to the team of baseball fans who returned a woman's hat after it fell eight floors down the side of a building.

In a video that has since gone viral on Twitter, the fans can be seen tossing the hat back up floor-by-floor. While one of the participants accidentally dropped the hat down a couple floors, it is quickly snatched back up by another onlooker.

As the hat is thrown back up to the top, the crowd can be hearing letting out a raucous cheer every time it advances another floor.

Finally, after the headgear is reunited with the owner, the audience can be heard chanting "M.V.P!" in celebration of the achievement.

The team effort is just another victory welcomed by Houston fans after the Astros beat the Los Angeles Dodgers 5-1 on Wednesday.

(WATCH the video below…)

This lady dropped her hat, and Houston came in clutch to get it back up to her #earnedhistory pic.twitter.com/1thxzO7B6i

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