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Adorable Footage Shows Family of Ducks Being 'Ushered' Out of Library After they Waddled in Off the Street

Adorable Footage Shows Family of Ducks Being 'Ushered' Out of Library After they Waddled in Off the Street
A family of ducks wandered into Nottingham university library before waddling back out again, bringing joy to all.

Adorable footage shows the moment a family of ducks checked out of a university library after they had waddled in off the street.

The mother and her five ducklings stunned staff and students when they wandered in through an open door at the University of Nottingham's George Green Library.

Emma Halford-Busby, from University of Nottingham Libraries, said, "It had been very hot that week, so we had left our doors open for some extra air movement."

The ducks came in and "walked around our atrium for a while, mom in front and ducklings in a line behind. Mom was totally calm and unflustered."

After they apparently checked out the range of books on the shelves.

"You often come across ducks in seemingly odd places around campus, but that was definitely the oddest place I've seen them.

"It did bring some excitement into an otherwise peaceful evening…"

Video footage shows the bird family heading under the security barrier as they eventually made their exit back to their pond.

Emma says, "As they walked towards our other entrance, one of our staff gently ushered them through the gates and back outside."

Commenting on social media, one student noted," That is the cutest thing I've ever seen."

Another said, perhaps a little enviously,, "They can they just 'duck' under the underneath the barriers…"

Fowl play to them, we say.

(WATCH the fun footage below…)

FORM a Line and Waddle the Good News Over to Those in the Know…

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