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Family Hears Late Loved One's Voice Again Thanks to an Electrician Who Jumped at the Chance to Help

Family Hears Late Loved One's Voice Again Thanks to an Electrician Who Jumped at the Chance to Help
Linda Swartz had an old book with an electronic recording of her mother reading it to her when she was young.

An electrician with a passion for preservation restored an ancient piece of home electronics, allowing a woman to hear her departed mother's voice on Christmas.

The old animated version of Frosty the Snowman can pull many people back to their childhood; doubly so for Linda Swartz, who had an old book with an electronic recording of her mother reading it to her when she was young.

Corrosion had long since rendered the circuitry unusable, but Linda kept it around for sentiment. Years went by, and as all mothers do, hers passed away in 2020.

Enter Lars Robins, an electrician who came by to fix something in Linda's house. In the course of his work he came across the Frosty the Snowman book.

"I was really shocked because I didn't think it was going to work," Swartz told WCIA news. "For a second there it looked like it wasn't going to, but it did. I couldn't be happier.

Robins says his passion for preserving old things began when he worked as a teacher before his job as an electrician. Teachers are constantly creating and watching their kids create sentimental things, and understand how much old books and toys can mean even to adults.

"Helping people is the heart of what we do, so being able to help somebody in that kind of specific way, those opportunities don't come around too often but when they do you kind of jump on them," Robins added.

Linda put it down as a Christmas blessing.

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