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Egypt Just Discovered 27 Sealed Coffins in An Ancient Cemetery That Were Buried 2,500 Years Ago

Egypt Just Discovered 27 Sealed Coffins in An Ancient Cemetery That Were Buried 2,500 Years Ago
At Saqqara necropolis in Egypt, 27 completely sealed coffins have been unearthed. And they haven't been opened in 2,500 years.

At an ancient burial ground south of Cairo, archaeologists have just uncovered 27 Egyptian coffins.

The wooden sarcophagi are exquisitely painted and still bear their original hieroglyphs.

The most exciting part for Egyptologists, though, is that an initial analysis shows these caskets—thought to be more than 2,500 years old—have not been opened since they were buried.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the finds were discovered deep in burial shafts at Saqqara.

For more than 3,000 years, this vast necropolis was where Egyptians living in the ancient capital of Memphis buried their dead.

Archaeologists are currently working to determine the origins of these caskets.

More details are expected to be announced by the Ministry this month.

Further excavations are currently taking place at this vast burial ground and UNESCO World Heritage Site, so you can also expect more unveilings to be announced soon.

Watch the Ministry's video of the unearthing in the tweet below.

شعور لا يقارن كلما تشهد كشف اثري جديد،انتظروا الاعلان عن كشف اثري جديد بسقارة، شكرا لزملائي بالوزارة.An indescribable feeling when you witness a new archeological discovery.Stay tuned for the announcement of a new discovery in SaqqaraThank you to my colleagues in the ministry pic.twitter.com/RpgK6TmREo

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