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400 Families Woke up on Christmas to $250 Gift Card Left Outside With a Poem - Anonymous Gifts Totaling $100,000

400 Families Woke up on Christmas to $250 Gift Card Left Outside With a Poem - Anonymous Gifts Totaling $100,000
A Secret Santa in Edmonton, Alberta has been leaving $250 gift cards on strangers' door steps. Those who don't need them are passing them on.

With all the hardships they endured in 2020, many people found it more difficult than usual to believe in Santa Claus. That's why Santa went out of his way for some folks in the Canadian city of Edmonton to make sure they knew he still believed in them.

A St. Nick who chooses to remain nameless left envelopes containing an inspirational rhyme along with $250 gift-cards on approximately 400 doorsteps, bringing unexpected cheer to the families within. (For those who don't know it, Santa's also a poet.)

The unexpected gift brought tears to eyes of Elisha Tennant, who'd been laid off as a result of the pandemic. "To have something like this, I mean, that's a month of groceries for us," Tennant told CBC News. "It was just very heartwarming and touching that someone would do that."

When Santa blanketed the west end and Alberta Avenue neighborhoods, he also suggested that if someone didn't truly need the extra bonus, that they pass it along to someone who did:

"Whatever it is that you set out to do, remember to just believe in you. Don't need this? Please pass the baton, for that is the way hope carries on."

Several recipients took him up on that, donating their gift cards to charity.

The only clue to the selfless Santa's identity was an email address at the bottom of the notes. CBC News did reach out, but the cagey old elf preferred not reveal his or her identity. The anonymous do-gooder did, however, clarify why 2020 prompted them to take up St. Nick's mantle:

"I decided to do it because I know that lots of people have had a really tough year and I had the means to help out," Santa wrote via email. "I hope the gifts gave people a sense that the world is good and there is a brighter future not far ahead."

As we saw over the year just past, even when things looked their darkest, there've been generous people around the globe who stepped up in big ways to fill Santa's snowy boots time and again. Whether or not you believe in Santa Claus, that spirit of giving has the potential to shine in all of us.

And when it does? Well, that's what makes Good News.

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