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Doctor's 'Miraculous' Remedy for Nonstop Coughs is Curing People With a YouTube Video

Doctor's 'Miraculous' Remedy for Nonstop Coughs is Curing People With a YouTube Video
The cure for a chronic habit cough with no cause is available on YouTube, thanks to the suggestion therapy of Dr. Miles Weinberger.

The cure for 'coughing without a cause' has been hiding in plain sight for years, and now people can discover it on YouTube, thanks to Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, a cough researcher, immunologist, and pediatric pulmonologist.

Until The Weinberger Procedure there had never been a quick and effective cure for 'habit cough'-and certainly never a free treatment that so many could use without going to a doctor's office.

One father was so relieved to witness his 12-year-old daughter cured via a Skype tele-conference with Weinberger after only 30 minutes, that he has done all he can-including posting the video session online- to publicize and publish information on this revolutionary treatment for refractory unexplained chronic cough.

One study published in 2020 of more than 9,000 adults over age 45 showed that 10 percent reported a chronic cough. Many patients have respiratory causes for their coughs, and they should seek medical care, but the study also found that many patients with chronic cough do not have any identifiable underlying cause.

Dr. Weinberger's remedy for those unexplained disorders utilizes the power of suggestion, which was first described as a possible treatment for children in 1966, but Weinberger, who directed the Pediatric Allergy and Pulmonary Clinic at the University of Iowa Hospital for 40 years, has put the idea into practice to benefit hundreds of patients, perfecting a system that has cured adults and children after only a short session.

The Weinberger 'Suggestion Therapy' is so easy and rewarding, that the diagnosed adult or child can "self cure" by watching the video (below) and sipping from a tall glass of water while concentrating on breathing, as instructed. Full recovery to 'cough zero' has occurred within days for 95% of children who were treated by Weinberger and practiced the procedure.

Dennis Buettner, who videotaped the session two years ago that cured his daughter Bethany, called it "the most unexpected, unintended, and unprecedented discovery in medical history-since the accidental discovery of penicillin."

Buettner assisted Weinberger in publishing a peer-reviewed scientific paper in the journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Buettner says the treatment is now being routinely used by Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Mayo Clinic, and Kaiser Permanente, and by health experts around the world.

"They typically and routinely refer their most hopeless, helpless, and forsaken chronic cough patients here [to habitcough.com] when all other options failed."

Also, Buettner tells WS that they've had volunteers translate the video script into Spanish, Mandarin, Turkish, and German. ​​ "The child in the video below is our sweet daughter. Had we not filmed her instant and permanent cure, even we would not believe what we saw."

By listening to Dr. Weinberger's soothing instructions and following his directions in the immediate hours following, these habitual coughs, which had afflicted people sometimes for years, can be suppressed and eliminated.

A young boy from Connecticut became one of the latest to be rescued by the video. Ryan had been violently coughing since September, for 16 hours each day. He was so sad thinking he would never be able to sing again, but then he watched the video and spoke to Dr. Weinberger. He wrote in an email: "Hi Bethany! Yes, I am super excited to FINALLY be done with my cough! Dr. Weinberger is like a miracle worker and my family and I are so grateful to have had the chance to meet him. Once and awhile a single cough slips through but for the most part it is gone!!"

The original video is held in the permanent video library of The American Thoracic Society. The free availability of it on YouTube is Dr. Weinberger's gift to the world.

In the video, Bethany's father gives some background on her cough and all the remedies and pharmacological avenues they had tried before hearing about Weinberger. The actual Skype session with the doctor begins at 4:25, when he began filming after realizing something special was happening.

Contact habitcough.com with all your questions.

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